Saturday, August 7, 2010

Religion - Pushing the boundaries too far?

Hello all,
I'm an atheist. However, this doesn't mean I'm out loud and proud about it and think that it's my way or the high way. Belief is a human necessity, without faith it would be more than likely we'd all lose hope in the world and go turn into a blob under a rock somewhere that the FBI can't get to us with their spy satellites.

I respect all religions inclusively (excluding the load of bullocks that is Scientology), everyone has a right to believe what they do; and well if you can't take my word for it, one of my best friends is religious! So bleh ;P.

Sometimes I too have a right to believe things are being pushed to far. On the 1st of August there was an article in the Sunday Mail stating that primary school kids are being taught in their religion classes that mankind walked with the dinosaurs. Despite the fact that science has proven that a large majority of the large creatures became extinct around 6 million years before the first humans did, they claim that Adam and Eve were not eaten due to having had cast a protective spell over them.

I'm not one to be cynical... but wouldn't it be rather hard for Noah to collect the eggs of every single species of dinosaur AND be sure he'd obtain one of each sex?

Students have been ostracised from the rest of the class for asking simple questions such as "But doesn't carbon dating prove that dinosaurs died before the first man and woman?". Religious Instructors have fought back these "childish" questions, saying that the "great flood must have skewered result".

In response to these claims, Dr. Salisbury has openly stated that it is harder to make the bible fit with scientific evidence than just accepting fact and feels that neither side should have to be in conflict.

Makes you wonder, doesn't it? I want to here your thoughts and opinions on the matter, send us a comment (either here or on facebook) and let me know how you feel.

MooSE out

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