Friday, August 27, 2010

Where we get our vernacular from.

People within their little social groups tend to use language that reflects the things that hold that thread together. These threads are movies, music or textual sources such as play or novels.

For example, one who chooses to listen to Hip Hop and watch gansta movies might use terms such as "yo", "boo", "nigga", "sup sup" or "shawty"; whereas people who would prefer such music as punk might use smart and cultured words like "inarticulate", "inauspicious", "oi" and "politics".

Those who play World of Warcraft tend to use terms including or similar to: "gtfo" "stfu" "get back under your bridge troll" "please don't feed the trolls" "paladins can't use maces" "roflmao" "orly?" "nou" or "lf3m for 25m ICC, up to LDW".

A person that is content with their life might use these phrases: "oh jolly good :D" "no thankyou, I've already had some cake today" and "omnomnom, this yoghurt is really yummy today!", whereas sad and lonely person might say things like "oh fml D:" or "yes please, I haven't had enough cake today" or even "FML! No more Mangos"

So, take this as an opportunity to really focus on people outside your own little social group. Listen to their vernacular, expand your own, and grow :D

MooSE out

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Religion - Pushing the boundaries too far?

Hello all,
I'm an atheist. However, this doesn't mean I'm out loud and proud about it and think that it's my way or the high way. Belief is a human necessity, without faith it would be more than likely we'd all lose hope in the world and go turn into a blob under a rock somewhere that the FBI can't get to us with their spy satellites.

I respect all religions inclusively (excluding the load of bullocks that is Scientology), everyone has a right to believe what they do; and well if you can't take my word for it, one of my best friends is religious! So bleh ;P.

Sometimes I too have a right to believe things are being pushed to far. On the 1st of August there was an article in the Sunday Mail stating that primary school kids are being taught in their religion classes that mankind walked with the dinosaurs. Despite the fact that science has proven that a large majority of the large creatures became extinct around 6 million years before the first humans did, they claim that Adam and Eve were not eaten due to having had cast a protective spell over them.

I'm not one to be cynical... but wouldn't it be rather hard for Noah to collect the eggs of every single species of dinosaur AND be sure he'd obtain one of each sex?

Students have been ostracised from the rest of the class for asking simple questions such as "But doesn't carbon dating prove that dinosaurs died before the first man and woman?". Religious Instructors have fought back these "childish" questions, saying that the "great flood must have skewered result".

In response to these claims, Dr. Salisbury has openly stated that it is harder to make the bible fit with scientific evidence than just accepting fact and feels that neither side should have to be in conflict.

Makes you wonder, doesn't it? I want to here your thoughts and opinions on the matter, send us a comment (either here or on facebook) and let me know how you feel.

MooSE out

Thursday, July 29, 2010

What's that called again?

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet." - Juliet in Shakespeare's famous play Romeo and Juliet

Why would I open with this exact quote? My goal in this blog is to discuss the basic irrelevance of names. Modern Society functions and sorts information by naming things. These "things" could be objects, categories or themes to which the objects belong: they could even belong to people. William Shakespeare's intention behind this line of speech is that names are an irrelevant convention. Juliet Capulet has fallen in love with Romeo Montague and this quote suggests that Juliet has fallen in love with the man named Romeo Montague, not the name Romeo Montague.

So this leads me to ask, how would our society function differently if names were different or completely unknown, would we have a base to our communication? What if a banana was known as a yellow edible stick? Would we believe that? Or would we perhaps simply just accept it as what our society accepts? What if red was used to describe a different colour of the spectrum?

Take a moment to think about what things would be called if different people hadn't have discovered or named them. Would gravity still be the force holding us to the ground?

How would we address each other if names didn't exist? What system would we use to acknowledge everybody? Would everybody be assigned a number or a code perhaps? The possibilities of this are endless and allows the English language to be examined and prospected with a detailed imagination.

That's all I have time for now, but get back to me on your ideas of names and what else was discussed :P

Saturday, June 26, 2010

My Endeavor

Normally, I would spend my precious spare time... okay, ALL my time... playing the game World of Warcraft. However, the other day shit kinda hit the fan for my laptop and I have been struggling to get it to work ever since. So that rules out playing WoW for me unfortunately.
Therefore, I need something to do to invest my time into, especially now that the school holidays have started. I have been putting small sessions into improving my growing stand-up routine, but my latest big decision is to write a novel.
I am one of those people who would generally get the fantastic idea to write an original, authentic bit of fiction; then get bored with the idea and give up before the first page gets finished. So my plan to keep myself amused in this rather large project is to continue to write my progress here. I shall keep you informed of my progress without spoiling it too much.
Also I am still in the process of chopping and changing the looks of my blog, so bare with it until I get it to how I like it :D

That's all for today,
MooSE out

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Just a wednesday night

So it's what would be just a regular Wednesday night. Yehp, that means I'm sitting in front of my computer at 7:30pm and feeling pretty shitty about the neighbours dog not wanting the shut the fuck up, my plan of attack is to tell him to get back under his bridge and stop trolling my ass -.-.

However, what's different about tonight, is that I am eating pizza from Domino's. It tastes really, really, really good. It's almost a pizzagasm in my mouth. I'll have to remind myself later to make sure my face has received a good scrub though, I don't want even more pimples :/

*takes bite of pizza* NOMNOMNOM

Anyway, I just thought you should know that I'm having pizza and I'm off to go troll some poor fuckers on Maelstrom server hehehe

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Blogging is a contemporary form of entertainment. It's a way of reliving personal experiences or sharing our ideas with the world. You probably sit there wondering why I chose to start this blog. Since around this time last year I started up a myspace blogging duo that turned into a trio, and I personally didn't feel I got to expand myself. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy writing my wierd sense of humour on A Humouring Ramble, but I feel I can't get as... personal, for lack of a better word.
I do enjoy the ol' Jewish crack, or talking about Echidna's randomly; but I also want to expand my horizons per say. I could create a side project that allows me to endorse a more intimate feel with whomever would choose to read my work or sublimate myself to nothing other than a bit of High School humour.
I should probably introduce myself in more detail, however. My name is Tim, but you guys can call me Moose if you so wish. I enjoy playing video games (such as World of Warcraft, or Halo) and (statistically) have trouble with the ladies. I enjoy action and comedy movies, and I laugh at some pretty offensive things. I attend high school, and I stress out about things like many other people. I have different views on the world to some people, and similar views to others. I am not always right, I am only human and have the ability to get things wrong and make mistakes. That is who I am.
So, after reading through all this you more than likely want me to tell you the point of this first blog. It's really just to say hi, to let you know I'm not exactly new to the art of blogging, however I do still need much improvement.
Where do I plan to take this blog? Reviews of things, random thoughts, comics I drew... anything really, I don't wish to confine myself into the cupboard under the stairs, when there is a whole house above me to explore. Whatever defines who I am on the particular day that I write to you is what I'll blog about. I do not set out to change your opinions and thesis of the world, I aim to provoke it, offend it and in some ways, challenge it.
With this current goodbye, I look forward to my official first blog coming up soon and I leave you with this question: What would the world be like if objects or places were not given the names they currently have? Leave your thoughts in the comment sections below.

MooSE out...